
Simplify Your Move With These Pro Packing Tips

Moving, while very exciting, is also quite a bit of work. Being prepared is super important when it come to packing and moving. If you are doing the packing and moving yourself, then you’ll want to read this article packed with pro packing tips! It is ideal to make a game plan as well as purchase all the necessary packing items before getting started!

Get excited… The Erica Diaz Team is sharing all of their pro packing tips to simplify your move! Then, after all the packing, comes the excitement of moving into your new home. We’re breaking down some of the best tips and tricks to help your move go as smooth as possible.

Pro Packing Tips For Packing Supplies

#1 – Boxes

First thing on the list should be, get boxes! Lots and lots and lots of boxes. When you think you have enough boxes, get a few more. This can be done in a number of ways. The first, and most obvious way is to buy them. Plain and simple. However, buying them can get a little expensive, but it’s easy. You are going to want the majority of your boxes to be medium and large. With a few small and some extra-large boxes. Keep in mind, the extra-large boxes get super heavy. Don’t forget garment boxes too. You are mostly going to use medium and large boxes. They are easy to pack, tend to stay a liftable weight, and are the least awkward to pick up.

A more cost effective way to obtain boxes, is to check your neighborhood Facebook page. Someone, may have just moved around the corner and have a whole stash of boxes… for free! You can also hit up stores. Their inventory is shipped in boxes! That can definitely work in your favor. Call and speak to a store manager and see if they can help! However, steer clear of food boxes. With the exception that the food boxes are sealed boxed foods. Still be sure the boxes do not have crumbs or grease or you are just asking to attract bugs. Liquor stores are also sometimes happy to part with their boxes. Though they are smaller, those sizes can defiantly come in handy for certain things.

#2 – Packing Paper

Another key item for packing to move is packing paper. Packing paper is something else you can never have enough of. While bubble wrap is great, it is very expensive for a small roll and the while the pre-tear ones are enticing, they don’t always tear easily and are time consuming to use. Packing paper works great for wrapping pretty much anything. For breakables, use a couple extra sheets and you’ll be good. We also suggest wrapping up items you do not want to get scratched or marked up.

#3 – Packing Tape

Packing tape is the backbone of packing items. It is going to be your best friend. Don’t cut corners here. Make sure to get good quality tape. Packing tape will be used for many things:

  • Taping boxes together.
  • Sealing boxes shut.
  • Once furniture is taken apart (example – a bed) put all of the nuts and bolts into a plastic baggy then tape them to a bigger piece of the furniture. This way all pieces will be together and ready to go after the move.

Don’t go cheap! You can always buy a couple different ones and once you find the brand that works best for you, buy a bunch! The moving aisles at stores have recently been picked through with everyone moving. So, if you see what you want and they have multiples, buy it! You will certainly use it as it may be challenging to find again with the supply and demand of specific items thrown off. (For more info on the 2021 housing market, click here.)


#4 – Permanent Markers

Black permanent markers are another key item you don’t want to forget to buy! Make sure to get the big, thick ones. These will be used to label boxes. The bigger and bolder the print, the easier to see! When labeling boxes, mark on top and at least two of the sides as to what room it will need to go to at your new house. Be sure to mark fragile on anything breakable.

One of our pro packing tips is to start packing boxes that need to be opened first. It never hurts to mark the main items in the box so when unpacking, you can open it as needed and you aren’t looking in numerous boxes for one specific item. Grab a few markers so you aren’t always chasing one down. If you live in a two-story house, it’s great to have a thing of tape and a marker on each floor.


#5 – Stretch Wrap

Stretch wrap is another item we suggest as a top packing tip that tends to come in handy during a move. Many times there are items that need to be sealed shut so they do not open during a move (example – a dresser drawer). People tend to reach for the packing tape without realizing it will leave a sticky mess and possibly ruin the furniture. Stretch wrap can easily prevent this. You can use it to:

  • Wrap floor rugs for no fuss carrying
  • Bundle brooms and mops together
  • Dressers so the drawers stayed closed
  • Furniture you do not want nicked
  • Tv mounts with the hardware in it

If you hire movers, they will most likely bring some to wrap furniture and other things, but get a small roll for yourselves and do some of the smaller items ahead of time.


#6 – Packing Blankets & Dolly

If you are moving yourself rather than hiring movers, be sure to get moving blankets and a dolly. Those boxes get heavy and a dolly will really speed things up! Mattress covers are another one of our pro packing tips, must-have item! Regardless of who is moving you, get your own so they don’t get wrapped in dusty moving blankets. They are not very expensive and can be purchased from Walmart or Lowes, and easy to put on. Just make sure to tape the top so everything stays clean. Don’t forget to grab some for box springs as well. We suggest doing this before the movers get there so they aren’t touching your mattress, as by the time they get to it, they may be a bit sweaty.

Pro Packing Tip from the Erica Diaz Team

Make sure to keep receipts for all the moving supplies. It’s hard to know exactly how much will be used, and you can always return them as long as they are unopened. But don’t hold back when purchasing supplies. It may seem like there is no way that much packing paper or tape is needed, but more than likely you’ll at some point end up at the store getting more. Don’t forget to get at least one box cutter. You’ll need it to open all your boxes at the new house.

Now That You Have Your Moving Supplies, Let’s Start Packing!

If You Don’t Need It, Don’t Take It!

Moving takes a lot of time and energy, so don’t waste waste it moving things you don’t even want or need. While packing, set aside a box for “trash” and one for “donate.” Fill these boxes up with unwanted and unneeded things to get rid of. There’s no need to take them to the new house and have to find a new place to stash them.

Start With Items NOT Used Daily

Begin packing rooms that don’t get much use and items not frequently used. Start packing all decorative items and knick knacks that aren’t actually being used. Books are another item to pack away first. The kitchen is going to be one of your biggest challenges. Cut down to basic everyday items and pack the rest. Leave out a frying pan and pot to cook, but pretty much all other cooking utensils can be packed.

Once you get closer to the moving date, get some paper plates and disposable cups. When packing spices, put them in your crock pot! Crock pots are big and take up a lot of room and the inside is wasted space. Seasonings and spices will fit perfectly in there and take up less space.

While packing boxes, try to keep rooms together. More than likely at the end you’ll be combining the last few items from each room into the same boxes, but for the most part each room will be in specific boxes. Try to use all the space within a box and if you can put something inside of something else, go for it. You do not want to waste perfectly good moving real estate. If it gets too heavy but there is still room, top the box with scrunched-up moving paper! Also, be sure to lift the box as you are packing it. Filling a box with all books is going to be heavy and no one wants to pull their back out during a move.

A note for packing books, try to put as many as you can in suitcases, you know, the kind with wheels. Whether you hire movers or are moving yourself, rolling the books is a win for everyone and you can fill it up with books rather than putting books in a ton of different boxes to distribute the weight.

Pro Packing Tips For Clothes

This is when the wardrobe boxes come in handy. Large boxes also work, simply lay clothes neatly while still on the hanger. Putting clothes in boxes keeps them clean and organized. When you open the box, they are already ready to hang! Easy peasy! Another option is to use trash bag liners for clothes. Simply take a grouping of hung clothes and pull the bag from the bottom of your clothes up to the hanger and wrap the handles around the top of the hanger.

Make A Moving-Day Box

Pack a suitcase or moving-day box with a few things that can be easily accessed once you get to your new home. You are going to want to shower and get into a clean bed that night. Items to have in a moving-day box are:

  • A few changes of clothes
  • Pajamas
  • Fresh sheets
  • Shampoo
  • Towels
  • Cleaners
  • Paper towels
  • Hand soap & sanitizer
  • Toilet paper
  • Bottled water
  • Easy snacks (especially if you have kids)

You are going to want to do a quick clean, so having everything together in a moving-day box is going to be essential.

Once you move and start unpacking, you will have a ton of boxes and moving papers. Be a friendly neighbor and offer them to someone else moving. If not, at least put out to recycle. We hope you have a seamless move. Know nothing goes perfectly, but buy being prepared and pack correctly, it will most certainly help!


The Erica Diaz Team – Simplify Your Move with These Pro Packing Tips

Moving is hard enough. Simplify your next move with these pro packing tips. The Erica Diaz Team is Central Florida’s premier real estate team, specializing in helping buyers and sellers in Winter Garden, Windermere, Clermont, and Mount Dora.

Are you considering buying or selling a home in Central Florida? Contact the Erica Diaz Team today, one of our knowledgeable real estate agents is ready to show you around!

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Erica Diaz Team


Phone: (407) 951-9742
Hours: Everyday, 9AM – 5PM
Address: 326 S Dillard St, Winter Garden, FL. 34787

Erica Diaz, P.A. DBA Erica Diaz Team. MLS License #261211327. Brokered by Homevest Realty.


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